
The welcome screen of the ManageArtworks application presents the user with a dashboard. The Dashboard has a set of tiles that provides real time data on the following:

  • My Projects (In-Progress) – displays the count of projects pending action from this User.
  • My Projects (Completed) – displays the count of projects where this user is a Stakeholder.
  • All Projects – displays the count of total Projects handled by the application.

Note: Project Initiation and Artwork Approval metrics are segregated and shown by the system in the dashboard.

Under the categories described above, three data points are captured by the system:

  • Total – displays the total count inside a blue tile which is the sum of on-time and delayed
  • On Time – displays the count of activities/projects completed on time
  • Delayed – displays the count of activities/projects that were delayed beyond stipulated time in the workflow

When a user clicks the tile containing the metric, corresponding items are populated in the section below.