Asset Library

1. Where are the approved files such as artwork and print proof stored in the system?

In ManageArtworks, approved files such as artwork and print proof are stored in the Asset Library.

For more details Go to Asset Library

2. What is the folder structure within the asset library?

In the Asset Library, there is a functionality called Search where the files are organized in a folder hierarchy. Depending on the metadata, folders are created. For instance, the folder hierarchy can be as follows: File Type, Division, Product Category.

For more details Go to Search

3. How do I browse through the folders to find the file I need?

If you know the name of the category, you could use Browse to find the file you need.

For more details Go to Browse

4. How do I search for files?

ManageArtworks has a sophisticated Search functionality that allows you to search using a keyword or the attributes associated with an artwork file. Follow the link below to get more details.

For more details Search in ManageArtworks

5. What are the things I can do with a published file in the asset library?
  • Bookmark the file for easy retrieval.
  • Download the file.
  • Share file with another user.

For more details, Go to File Properties.

6. Can I view the file without downloading it?

When you click the thumbnail of a file in the Asset Library, it is launched in a new browser tab using ManageArtworks proprietary viewer. This viewer has advanced Proofing and Annotation tools.

For more details, Go to Viewer

7. Can I see the files that were recently modified?

Yes you can see in the Asset Library, Recently Modified Files are displayed by default. If you want to see the files you have added, click My Files as shown below:

Please visit Asset Library

8. How do I bookmark the files?

In the Asset Library, click Actions on the file and click Bookmark.

Please visit File Properties

9. Where do I go to see all the bookmarked files?

Click on the bookmarked icon all bookmarked files will be displayed as shown below:

Please visit File Properties