Print Proof Signoff Design

1. How are the users notified of this pending activity?

The User receives an email notification regarding this activity.

Within ManageArtworks the same notification can also be found in User's welcome screen Dashboard under My Inbox (Pending With Me) under Workflow tab of the User.

For more details, visit Print Proof Signoff Design

2. Where do the User go to see the Project, SKU, and Component details?

Request Info is the default tab displayed when you open an activity in a workflow. Details filled by the Project Initiator are available here.

For more details, visit Print Proof Signoff Design

3. How does the User uploads the Signoff File?

The User needs to upload the Signoff File by clicking on the Add Files option. The User uploads Signoff File from the Desktop.

The User needs to select Component Type, SKU Name, FG Code, Plant Code & Artwork Code from the respective drop-down list and click on the Upload icon to upload the Signoff File.

For more details, visit Print Proof Signoff Design

5. Can a User enter comments in this activity?

Yes, the User can enter comments in this activity.

For more details, visit Print Proof Signoff Design

6. What happens when the User Submits or Rejects the Signoff File?

There are three action buttons available to the User within this activity: Submit, Reject and Save.

  • Submit – To complete the activity and release the approved artwork.
  • Reject – To send back to the Soft Copy Validation activity
  • Save – Save work and revisit later for completing this activity.
7. What is the next step if any User rejects the Signoff File?

When a User rejects the Signoff File, workflow proceeds to the Update Signoff File step where the Vendor incorporates the User' comments and submits the revised version of the Updated Signoff File. ManageArtworks system manages the version control automatically.

Note: When rejecting a Signoff File, User has to compulsorily provide comments.

7. What are the necessary points to be noted after completing the workflow activity?
  1. Product Code Linkage with Artwork activity will be available, if the FG code - Under Process was choosed at the initial stage.
  2. In the Product Code Linkage with Artwork activity the user needs to enter the Product Code.
  3. The Artwork file, Vendor Copy File, KLD File, Brief File & Final Signed off Copy will be pushed to the Asset Library.
  4. The file uploaded as Reference Files and Others will not pushed to Asset Library.
  5. After the files gets pushed in the asset library,respective files can be searched in the Asset Library.