Artwork Approval By Division

1. How is the Approver notified of this pending activity?

The User in the workflow whose role is Artwork Approval by Division receives an email notification regarding this activity.

Within ManageArtworks the same notification can also be found in User's welcome screen Dashboard under My Inbox (Pending With Me) under Workflow tab.

For more details, visit Artwork Approval by Division

3. Should all the Approvers approve the artwork for the step to be completed?

Yes, everyone must approve for the review activity to be completed.

For more details, visit Artwork Approval by Division

4. Where does the Approver go to see the Project, SKU, and Component details?

Request Info is the default tab displayed when you open an activity in a workflow. Details filled by the Project Initiator are available here.

For more details, visit Artwork Approval by Division

5. Where does the Approver go to view the Artwork?

Go to Files to view the Artwork. The name of the Artwork and details such as Filename, Version number, File Type, Added by, and Added date are displayed in a table format.

  • Click the eye icon under Actions to open the artwork file in ManageArtworks Viewer.
  • Click the Download icon to download the file to your desktop.

For more details, visit Artwork Approval by Division

6. How does the Approver access and use the checklist?

When the Approver opens the file in ManageArtworks Viewer, the checklist is loaded with the Artwork.

  • Respond to questions in the checklist with a yes, no or NA (not applicable).
  • If your response is No, you need to provide comments rights there.
  • Click Approve after filling the checklist.

For more details, visit Artwork Approval by Division

7. What are the tools available for the Approvers within the viewer?

Annotation tools are available for the Approvers within the ManageArtworks Viewer.

For more information, visit Viewer. Also check out Annotation Tools, Top Panel Tools and Sidebar Tools

8. How does an Approver Approves or Rejects the Artwork?

There are three action buttons available to the Approvers within this activity: Approve, Reject, and Save.

  • Approve – Complete the review activity and move to the next activity.
  • Reject – Send for artwork update by Designer.
  • Save – Save work and revisit later for completing this activity.
9. What is the next step if any Approver rejects the Artwork?

When an Approver rejects the Artwork, workflow proceeds to the Update Artwork step where the Designer incorporates the Approver's comments and submits the revised version of the artwork. ManageArtworks manages version control automatically.

Note: When rejecting an artwork, Approver has to compulsorily provide comments.