Update Concept Presentation by Designer

1. How is the Designer notified of this pending activity?

The Designer in the workflow whose role is to Update Concept Presentation gets an email notification regarding the activity.

Within ManageArtworks the same notification can also be found in Designer's welcome screen Dashboard under My Inbox (Pending With Me) under Workflow tab. Refer to the image shown below.

For more details, visit Update Concept Presentation by Designer

2. How does the Designer uploads the revised Final Signer-Off Design file and Concept Presentation file?

After entering the activity the Designer needs to click on the Files tab. Under Actions click on the three straight lines., click on the Update icon to upload the new version of the Final Signer-Off Design file and Concept Presentation file from your desktop.

For more details, visit Update Concept Presentation by Designer

3. Does the system update the version number automatically?

Yes, After you upload the new version of the Final Signer-Off Design file and Concept Presentation file from your desktop, see the table in Files under the column titled Version No. where the system has automatically updated the version number.

For more details, visit Update Concept Presentation by Designer

4. Can the Designer provide his comments as well?

Yes, the Designer can enter comments. Go to Comments to provide your comments.